Freeing up your time (and your school’s money)

Giving you more time to spend on providing children with an education

There are some tasks which are best done by companies who specialise in that field, not because you or your colleagues can’t do these tasks, but because the time is takes to do these tasks could be better spent on what you are employed for: providing children with an education.

One of these tasks is that of organising the school minibus’ services and MOTs. Which is why, when you lease a minibus with Benchmark Leasing, this is something that we will undertake for you – and, in most cases, the cost of repairs (if applicable) won’t affect the lease price.

Furthermore, if you lease a minibus with Benchmark Leasing there is the added benefit of improved cashflow (as you pay a set fee each month), and it often works out cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially when one considers the re-sale value).

To explore leasing further, please do visit our website. Or if you would prefer to discuss it with someone, please do call 01753 859944 or email


Due to a dangerous mix of inflation and depreciation, leasing (as opposed to purchasing) is a growing trend

Leasing (as opposed to purchasing) is a growing trend across the board, from housing, equipment, and technology, all the way to school minibuses.

Why? Due to a dangerous mix of inflation and depreciation (with the exception of housing, of course, but the single factor of inflation is a reason in itself not to purchase as many people simply can’t afford it).

For now, however, I would just like to focus on the growing trend to lease a school minibus because Benchmark Leasing has devised a number of minibus leasing packages specifically designed for schools as purchasing a minibus simply isn’t an option for many schools.

Indeed, it is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month, which has the added benefit of improved budgeting and cash flow.

But this is not all. Since schools know how much the minibus will cost each month they do sometimes ask the PTA to make a contribution each month – which is often very much welcomed since it means that the parents making the contribution to the minibus know that it is their children who are benefitting, rather than the children in future years.

Furthermore, with Benchmark Leasing the vehicle’s MOTs, repairs* and services are included in the arrangement, and the costs are conveniently built into the lease price. And, as the minibuses that Benchmark lease to schools are always brand new, the lenght of time during which the minibus is out of action due to repairs is significantly reduced.

To explore leasing further, please do visit our website. Or if you would prefer to discuss it with someone, please do call 01753 859944 or email

* T&Cs apply