Of course there can be many answers to such a question, but can be no doubt that when the day’s teaching and learning takes place outside the school, there is every chance that the students will take in and remember far more.
Which is of course one reason why we have minibuses.
Sometimes the minibus is essential – for example to take students to an off-site venue that they regularly use, such as a swimming pool.
But sometimes quite often there is no direct and immediate need to go off-site, save for the fact that the learning that will take place off-site will normally be of a higher quality, because it is off-site.
As a result of this, many schools are now actively thinking of additional uses for their minibus rather than waiting for there to be situations which call for the necessity of a minibus.
http://www.ukschooltrips.co.uk/ has a large number of school trip options listed as does http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk – on this site just write school trips in the search box. There are of course many more such sites listed on Google.
It is also possible to find interesting school trips by getting in touch with schools near you, and asking the relevant head of department or co-ordinator if they would like to share information. There’s an index of schools on www.schools.co.uk
Of course all this activity depends very much on the minibus being well maintained and ready to use at all times. And as minibuses get older so the need for repairs can rise.
Quite often it is impossible to buy a new bus just because the old one is starting to show its age – but a way around this can be found with the leasing of a new bus – with the lease including full maintenance and servicing.
If you would like to see what models are available or further information on minibuses in general, do take a look at our website – www.minibusleasing.co.uk/school-minibus.php
Alternatively give us a call on 01753 859 944.
Benchmark Leasing Ltd
11 High Street