Despite numerous campaigns for schools to offer more learning outside the classroom experiences, the number of fieldtrips offered to history students is actually in decline.
Now a study has been carried out in the America evaluating the extent to which learning outside the classroom benefits attainment as they too are experiencing a similar trend of decline.
The study found that a massive 82% of students could recall information which they had learnt on a fieldtrip a year after the event, and the benefits that fieldtrips have on learning were even more pronounced among disadvantaged, minority, and rural students.
Students from schools in poorer areas experienced an 18% improvement in their critical thinking skills.
However, in providing your students with more history fieldtrips, reliable and cost effective transport is required.
One solution is to lease a minibus from Benchmark as it can often work out cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially if one takes into account the re-sale value of a school bus at the end of its working life) or hiring a coach each time.
It is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month, which has the added benefit of improving budgeting and cash flow.
What’s more, a full maintenance programme is included, so no matter the outcome of the vehicle’s services and MOTs, the cost of repairs won’t affect the lease price.
For more information about leasing a minibus with Benchmark Leasing you can go to our website, call us on 01753 859944 or email