School minibuses are becoming an unaffordable necessity, but this doesn’t mean your school can’t have one.
A combination of the rise in pupil population and the drive to get more children learning outside the classroom has meant that many schools are finding that they need an additional minibus. But there is a problem – minibuses are expensive to buy.
However schools are often surprised to learn that leasing a minibus with Benchmark can work out much cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially if one takes into account the re-sale value at the end of its working life), or indeed, hiring a coach each time.
And with leasing there is no initial large payment required – just a monthly lease fee.
Better still, there is no issue about the cost of repairs, servicing and the like, since leased minibuses come with all the arrangements and all the costs of servicing and repairs built into the lease.
What’s more, to further reduce costs, a growing number of schools are sharing their leased minibus part time with one or two other schools.
There are many ways in which this can be done, but sharing with a local feeder primary school is one of the most popular. This way, the cost of running the minibus is shared, and each school knows exactly when it has the extra bus and arranges events around it.
If you have not leased a minibus before, or not thought of sharing one before, the best way forward is to give me a call and I can talk you through how it works – not least because a fair number of schools are now involved in shared minibus leasing projects, so we have a lot of experience in helping to set up such a project.
But if you want to take a look at who we are and what we do before you call, you’ll find more information about leasing at
Tel: 01753 859944
Benchmark Leasing Ltd
11 High Street
Tel: 01753 859944