When your pupils are looking for inspiration…

What more can you do to help your pupils with their creative writing?

Writing in an unfamiliar environment is something that nearly all successful writers do as it can provide them with the inspiration to think and write more creatively than before. Thus, when your pupils are tasked to write creatively, it can be a good idea to take the lesson elsewhere.

Whether it’s a short story or a poem, by taking your pupils to a park, busy street, reservoir or anywhere else which isn’t considered as commonplace, your pupils will be inspired by their surroundings and thus (in terms of creativity) their writing will be improved.

Of course, to do this you will need some kind of transport (unless your school is fortunate enough to be located within walking distance of such an environment), which is where Benchmark Minibus Leasing can help.

Leasing a minibus with Benchmark can often work out cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially if one takes into account the re-sale value of a school bus at the end of its working life), or indeed hiring a coach each time.

It is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month, which has the added benefit of improved budgeting and cash flow.

What’s more, a full maintenance programme is included, so no matter the outcome of the vehicle’s services and MOTs, the cost of repairs won’t affect the lease price.

For more information about leasing a minibus with Benchmark Leasing you can go to our website, call us on 01753 859944 or email minibus@benchmarkleasing.co.uk

Benchmark Leasing Ltd
11 High Street



Tel: 01753 859944

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To share is to have

  For many schools the cost of a minibus seems prohibitive but two developments have cut the price dramatically.

It is rare to find a school that wouldn’t accept the offer of a minibus if it was there, available for them.  But they don’t buy one, because of the cost.

However, two recent developments have ensured that more and more schools are now able to have minibus transport that they previously felt was out of their reach.

But – and this is the key fact – these two new approaches have to be seen together; on their own they look like interesting notions – but not a solution.

The two approaches are a) to lease the minibus on a set monthly fee which includes all servicing, maintenance and repair costs, and b) to share its use with a nearby school that is in the same cluster, trust or council as they are, so that each school has the bus for an agreed amount of time.

What’s more, many schools do then add a third element of their own to the equation – since they know how much the minibus will cost each month they do sometimes ask the PTA or other support group to make a contribution to that cost each month.

Now that is often very much welcomed since it means that the parents making the contribution to the minibus account know that is it their children who are benefitting, rather than the children in future years (as happens when the fund raising goes on for several years before a bus can be bought).

Sharing a leased minibus also has the benefit of ensuring that everyone is always driving a bus that is well maintained – since it is the leasing company that works on maintaining the bus in tip top condition.

If you haven’t leased a minibus or thought about sharing one, please do give me a call on 01753 859944 and I can talk you through how it all works.

But if you want to take a look at who we are and what we do before you call, you’ll find more information about leasing at www.minibusleasing.co.uk.

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Reviewing the state of your school’s minibus

What’s involved when it comes to reviewing
the state of your school’s minibus?

The summer holidays presents the perfect opportunity to review the state of your school’s minibus and carry out a thorough check to ensure that all is in working order.

Things that you will need to check, among just a few, are:

√  oil

√  windscreen wash

  windscreen wipers

  brake fluid


  tyre pressure

  depth of the tyre tread

  spare wheel

√  lights


√  reflectors

  instruments on the dashboard


  seat belts

  head restraints



Now is also a good time to review the various arrangements that your school has with minibus dealers and garages to ensure that you are getting the best deal and to see if there is anything more that you can do to reduce the costs of the minibus.

Of course, if you are looking to update the arrangement that you have for your school’s minibus, or indeed, acquire a new school minibus, you might want to have a look into minibus leasing.

Leasing a minibus with Benchmark can often work out cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially if one takes into account the re-sale value of a school bus at the end of its working life), or indeed hiring a coach each time.

It is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month, which has the added benefit of improved budgeting and cash flow.

What’s more, a full maintenance programme is included, so no matter the outcome of the vehicle’s services and MOTs, the cost of repairs won’t affect the monthly payment that you make.

For more information about leasing a minibus with Benchmark Leasing you can go to our website, call us on 01753 859944 or email minibus@benchmarkleasing.co.uk

Benchmark Leasing Ltd
11 High Street



Tel: 01753 859944

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3 reasons for schools reporting transport to be the main barrier to LOtC

It is not a question of what to do or where to go, but rather it is a question of how to get there

There is an abundance of information on the internet (and elsewhere) in terms of what to do and where to go, to help you and your colleagues organise invaluable LOtC experiences for your students. Yet there is very little information about how to get there.

Indeed, a survey has revealed that 50% of secondary schools report transport to be the main barrier to offering (more) LOtC to their students. And it transpires that there are three things in particular that led the respondents to select transport as a barrier:

  • affordability
  • safety
  • and access

Which is why a growing number of secondary schools are finding that by leasing a school minibus (meaning that there is no initial large payment required – just a monthly lease fee) rather than purchasing a minibus outright, their costs are significantly reduced.

Better still, in leasing a school minibus with Benchmark, any repairs, servicing and the like are included in the arrangement with these costs conveniently built into the lease payments.

Moreover, a growing number of secondary schools are also finding that by sharing their minibus with a nearby school that is in the same cluster, trust or council as they are, the transport costs are halved, and their overall expenditure on school outings can be reduced.

If you haven’t leased a minibus or thought about sharing one, please do give me a call on 01753 859944 and I can talk you through how it all works.

But if you want to take a look at who we are and what we do before you call, you’ll find more information about leasing at www.minibusleasing.co.uk.

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