When it comes down to it, teaching and learning can and does happen anywhere. Indeed it only takes a moment to recall that as well as the classroom, teaching goes on in the hall, the playing fields…
But the growth in the notion of learning outside the classroom has demanded that we each of us think further and further afield.
And once this line of thinking begins, the opportunities are endless. We might think of a greater sharing of other schools’ facilities, and then we might think of visiting historic sites, geographic locations of interest, concert halls, major libraries, the sea shore, the city centre…
Suddenly, when learning outside the classroom becomes a normal way of thinking, the school becomes greatly enlarged, and the only issue that remains is that of how to transport the students to and from all these exciting locations.
The obvious answer is to get a minibus – and the common response to that is “we can’t afford it”.
And yet when one remembers that what the minibus is giving the school is, effectively, an extra classroom, suddenly the cost becomes very feasible.
What’s more if we also recall that the minibus can be leased, rather than being a drain on school funding, then suddenly we have a very exciting scenario to consider.
Finally if we throw in the fact that when you lease a minibus the work of maintaining the bus in the highest roadworthy condition is undertaken by the leasing company, the whole operation really does become a lot simpler.
You wouldn’t expect to have to maintain your classroom – likewise you should never be expected to maintain the school minibus.
Indeed, having a minibus – (or an extra minibus if you already have one) really does take matters forward in terms of space allocation.
If you would like to find out more give us a call on 01753 859944.
Alternatively, please do take a look at our website.