The problem that young people face when approaching their first employment
One of the great problems that many employers face if they are looking to take on school leavers is the fact that many youngsters simply don’t have much of a clue as to what working in a factory, warehouse or office is about.
They don’t know how people work, what it is like, what the requirements are, or indeed what people actually do.
If some of the students take into the workplace the concept that they work when they are told to and either do nothing or muck about when they are not supervised, then they will find that they are moved on very quickly.
The particular problem here is that if they see people having a conversation during work time they don’t have the experience to know if this is a private affair or part of the work. If a joke is cracked and everyone laughs they don’t know quite how to fit in with this repartee. In short they don’t know the social rules of the workplace.
Which is why it is incredibly helpful if Year 11, 12 and 13 students can be taken to as many work settings as possible, not just to learn about the job, but also to learn about what it is like to be at work.
Now the one thing that gets in the way of this is the making of arrangements. Many companies will welcome a small school party accompanied by the teacher. They will be happy to show the party around and then let the teacher undertake a short discussion with the students (if there is a spare meeting room available) before returning to the work floor with any questions to put to the management.
Of course the whole plan does require the school having a decent minibus to transport the students to and from the work location. Which is where Benchmark Leasing comes in.
You can find details of the minibuses we have available for lease on our website, or you can give us a call on 01753 859944.