How to … reduce your school’s expenditure on school trips

How to reduce your school’s expenditure on school trips without reducing your students’ LOtC opportunities?

A Kent environmental education centre that works with schools across the UK and Europe has been praised for improving children’s self-esteem, confidence, and social skills through its residential trips.

Unfortunately, however, a high proportion of schools can’t offer their pupils such Learning Outside the Classroom experiences as often as they might like, for the very simple reason that the budget doesn’t allow for it.

But there is a solution – a growing number of schools are finding that by sharing their school minibus with a nearby school that is in the same cluster, trust or council as they are, the transport costs are halved, and thus, their overall expenditure on school outings is reduced.

Moreover, a growing number of primary schools are finding that by sharing a leased school minibus (meaning that there is no initial large payment required – just a monthly lease fee) as opposed to one which has been purchased outright, their costs are further reduced.

Better still, in leasing a school minibus with Benchmark, any repairs, servicing and the like are included in the arrangement, and the costs are conveniently built into the lease.

If you haven’t leased a minibus or thought about of sharing one, please do give me a call on 01753 859944 and I can talk you through how it all works.

But if you want to take a look at who we are and what we do before you call, you’ll find more information about leasing at

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