There is one thing that infuriates vehicle owners more than anything else (other than fuel prices, which rather frustratingly seem to be on the rise again). That is depreciation.
Drive a brand new vehicle out of the garage. Depreciation.
Own the vehicle for six months. Depreciation. A year. Depreciation. Two years……
Get a couple of Advisory Notices on your MOT. Depreciation.
……………………….. Depreciation.
………………………………. Depreciation.
Of course, the most effective way of reducing the impact of depreciation of a vehicle would be to buy it second-hand (when it has already had its fair share of depreciation), but when it comes to the school minibus you want to be sure that it is safe – which can (usually) be guaranteed by buying a brand new school minibus.
So the question remains, what is the most effective way of reducing the impact of depreciation of a brand new school minibus?
One word; leasing.
Indeed, many steer away from leasing because there is a common misconception that leasing is more expensive than buying a minibus outright or on finance. However, we’ve done the figures and have found that this is simply not the case, particularly when you take depreciation into consideration and lease from a company such as Benchmark Leasing.
Benchmark Leasing have for some time been working hard to create minibus leasing packages tailored especially for schools – evolving the arrangement through feedback from administrators, school managers, site managers…
Thus, our leasing arrangements offer substantial discounts so the impact of depreciation is much less than if you were to purchase a school minibus outright. Furthermore, the leasing rentals make the lowered depreciation easier to budget for as it is spread over the term in monthly payments.
You’ll also be glad to know that if the used vehicle marketplace worsens, our rentals are fixed so the school is protected.
For more information about the minibus leasing packages that we offer, please do visit or call us on 01753 859944.
Benchmark Leasing Ltd
11 High Street
Tel: 01753 859944