One of the most powerful ways of supporting students in fulfilling their academic potential

“A positive student is a motivated student,” is a truism.  “A motivated student is a proficient learner,” is another.

But just because a statement is a truism, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a valuable observation. If everyone became a proficient learner then grades would go up.

The point is that we can’t directly create positive thinking. But situations can be set up so that positive attitudes are enhanced, and that enhances motivation, and so on.

The issue is simply, how can we do this? How can we offer students ever more positive experiences?

By far the most effective way is through occasionally removing them from the day-to-day routine and environment of the school so that they can participate in learning outside the classroom.

For, as Ofsted said, when implemented well, opportunities for learning outside the classroom “contribute significantly to raising standards and improving pupils’ personal, social and emotional development”.

All that is needed is for the travel arrangements to be easily organised, and the simplest way is through leasing a minibus.

Doing this via Benchmark normally works out cheaper than buying a minibus outright (especially if one takes into account the re-sale value of a school bus at the end of its working life) or hiring a coach each time.

It is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month, which has the added benefit of improved budgeting and cash flow forecasting.

And in some cases, where trips are paid for by contributions from parents and the PTA, it is possible to allocate a part of those payments towards the cost of the minibus – further reducing the funds being deducted from the school’s capital account.

What’s more, a full maintenance programme is included, so no matter the outcome of the vehicle’s services and MOTs, the cost of repairs won’t affect the cost of the lease.

You can find more information on our website or give us a call on 01753 859944.