Keeping students safe from harm is undoubtedly the highest priority of any member of staff. Which is why the MOT, servicing and overall maintenance of the school’s minibus is of the highest priority.
But there is a problem. Because, not only is this an issue of utmost importance, but it is also an issue that takes up a significant amount of time.
And when it has to be done, it can’t be delayed.
Of course, if the person nominated as in charge of the School’s Transport Policy always has time at the moment when the maintenance is due, then there is no problem. But if this is not the case, it can mean that the vehicle is either being used outside of its safety parameters or has to be taken off the road.
However, there is a solution.
For if you lease a minibus with Benchmark we will arrange for the vehicle to receive regular maintenance and servicing checks by qualified engineers, giving you the comfort in knowing that the school minibus is fully operational and, most importantly, safe.
What’s more, our leasing option means that you can benefit from improved budgeting and cash flow forecasting, since you will always know what expenditure is coming along.
It is an arrangement which makes it possible for schools to fund the minibus through a small payment each month. And in some cases, where trips are paid for by contributions from parents and the PTA, it is possible to allocate a part of those payments towards the cost of the minibus.
You can find more information on our website or give us a call on 01753 859944.