Making the most of the school minibus

For a large number of schools the minibus is extensively used for regular trips to the local swimming pool or to various sport fixtures.

Recently we have found that many schools are now actively thinking of additional uses for their minibus rather than waiting for there to be situations which call for the necessity of a minibus.

It would seem that Learning Outside the Classroom is having a positive impact and trips to places such as Shakespeare’s birthplace, the Jorvik Centre or The Science Museum in London are on the increase.

Of course all this activity depends very much on the minibus being well maintained and ready to use at all times. And as minibuses get older so the need for repairs can rise.

Quite often it is impossible to buy a new bus just because the old one is starting to show its age – but a way around this can be found with the leasing of a new bus – with the lease including full maintenance and servicing.

If you would like to know more about our leasing options take a look at our website.

Alternatively call us on 01753 859944 or email us at